Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I just read an article by rand corp, which suggest that teens that watch a lot of TV are more likely to get pregnant. It says that the teens are influenced by the TV shows especially the ones that contain sexual content. I strongly disagree with this article. I personally believe it has a big deal to do with the parents. If the parents were educating the children on these things then teen pregnancy rates would not be high. If the parents inform they’re children then the children would not be as curious to do something that is wrong because they know the consequences. My self personally growing up had parents to tell me what I needed to know and since then I have been on the right path with that matter. I knew whatever I saw on TV was wrong when I saw it because my parents taught me wrong from right. I believe that if I child wants to do something they will do it. TV plays a role now and days but I believe it more so depends on the child. I watched TV and played a lot of video games as a child and none of them ever inspired me to go out and imitate what I saw. The poll was done on kids 12-17 years of age. I agree with the end of the article when the author says ‘if we focused on what the youth does and does not know about sexuality instead of how much TV they watch then wed see some real change’. I personally could not agree anymore about that statement. Who ever conducted the survey needs to find out how much the kids know about sexuality and where did they learn it from and the information would be more accurate.

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